Saturday, December 27, 2008


Next Chemo sched is 31 Dec.
CatScan Pet Scan on 2 Jan.
Should be interesting...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Cancer isn't taking a holiday. Natalie and Dennis headed to Miami very early this morning for Dennis's Doctor's appointment and chemotherapy. CEA tumor marker is down to 118! This is such a relief after last week's slight increase! I am hoping they will be home in the early evening for some celebrating! Merry Christmas and much love to all.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Session 7 on Dec 11
saw a further reduction on my blood work
cancer markers. from 179 to 131. remember
it was 660 in October...........

Session #8 Dec 18; last of this series, blood markers
for cancer went up from 131 to 142 a increase
of 11............ increase isn't good.. Dr said other
markers are good so don't put too much in any
one indicator. Session 8 went OK, Brian drove
and stayed with me all day at the MIA hospital.

Session #9 (I thought only 8 sessions??) is scheduled for
December 24th. and then cat scan on 2 January
to see were we are with liver tumor............
More info forthcoming when cat scan read
on 5 January. Have a good Holiday....DW

Friday, December 5, 2008

Continued Progress

We completed #6 of 8 treatments in Miami yesterday.We received information today from the Dr that the tumor marker dropped further to 131 after treatment #5! (from start of 666)
When pressing the Dr. to what he thinks..."we'll see what the scans show". We'll be taking scans week of 22 December and probably won't have results until the following week due to the holidays. We believe this combination of chemo is working for Dennis and he looks and seems so much better! Thank you for your continued prayers!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Nov 26, session #5 the blood markers were
down to 218! a futher reduction, which is
a very good thing. This number is from
the blood tested on 20 november.
These blood markers: I have to get it down to
3 or below 5 . SO ..... I've a way to go.
Tomorrow, Dec 4th I'll be in MIA for session
#6, and find out markers taken on 11/26
at session #5.
Hopefully there willl be a futher reduction,
indicatiing this Chemo cocktail is working.
More info tomorrow.. Denny

Friday, November 14, 2008

A little good news perhaps!

We completed treatment #3 of 8 chemotherapies for this third line of treatment yesterday in Miami. The home infusion option was quickly denied by insurance after one visit and honestly I'm more comfortable to travel to Miami each week and keep close contact with Dr. Ardalan at this point. It is a one day treatment and doesn't require an overnight stay in the hospital.
We received a call from the Drs this morning at 0815-my first thought-oh no...but they called to give a some promising news that the tumor marker had dropped from 666 to 325 after 2 treatments. Normal is 3.0 so we have a LONG way to go but we are going down and this is a very good indicator that these drugs are working for Dennis.
Dennis has some new bad side effects from these drugs. A horrible red acne like rash on his face,neck,chest and back. We got 2 prescriptions yesterday that should help manage these side effects. He is still dealing with fatigue but he has amazing energy and a positive outlook. His hair is growing slowly back and is soft and very fine.
Please keep praying that #3 is a charm. It's been a LONG 6months and we need continued good news!

Friday, November 7, 2008

I'm in Week 2 of Plan "C". Blood markers
are much improved, the Chemo seems
to be working. Won't really know untill
pictures are taken of the cancer, but
this is a positive note: blood markers and
side effects are positve since I started "C".
#1 side effect of this
new Chemo is a bad case of
Acne and I've started the acne.
Now if I can only get the rest of a
the 'teen' problems I'll be happy.
The Next chemical loading is scheduled for
Thursday 13 Nov and is treatment #3.
I've 8 treaments, and that will leave
5 sessions to go. I'm tied to the
chemo sessions on Plan "C" and will
have to stay close to home untill
the program has run it's course.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Treatment #2 results

We received disappointing news today regarding our 2nd line of Chemotherapy. Dennis's CEA-tumor markers have been increasing and the scans verified that his liver disease is progressing. We will begin a new line of treatment tomorrow changing to Erbitux with CPT 11. It will be IV infused at home on a weekly basis for 8 weeks by a chemotherapy nurse. We will meet with Dr. Ardalan on November 13 for an review of this 3rd line of therapy. Dennis is discouraged but ready to resume the "attack" on cancer tomorrow. Once a Marine always a Marine.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Update on treatment

Sorry for the lack of updates but we really have nothing to report. We had treatment in Miami Sept 23-24 and Sept 30-Oct 1. We are on our "off week" and our next treatments are Oct 14-15 and Oct 21-22. I continue to press the Dr for information but they are unable to guesstimate progress until the next round of scans which will be done during the last week of October after these next chemotherapies. Luckily we seem to pass the initial screeing each week and Dennis is strong enough to withstand the chemo combination. His weight remains steady at 180. He seems to have more energy and has been walking,riding bikes and even cutting the grass again. No report of any pain which is also a good sign. So we wait and hope that we are making progress.
Our goal is to shrink the tumors in his liver enough that he can have his liver resectioned. They can remove up to 80% of the liver and amazingly it will regrow!
We are taking a respite and heading back to Wyoming Oct 7-12. We look forward to seeing Natalie and Brian,fall weather,the mountains and a football game.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Back again for Chemo resupply this
past Tue/Wed. Effects are cumulative
and boy do I feel lousy, today, Friday
and yesterday was no walk in the park.
My friend Bill Lamson is taking us to
FLL airport for run out to Laramie today
noon. New twist, I think I'm going
to lose all my hair. It is falling out
in clumps and has gotten so thin since
this Chemo stuff started. Oh well,
as long as the cancer cells die, any
thing is possible. This is a short
run to Wyo, only 5 days on the
ground. We'll attend the football
game Sat, Work at SML one day
and go shooting at the Laramie
range with Clyde and maybe some
army cadets. Then pack out to
palm beach for another session
of Chemo.
Dennis - MoreLater;

Friday, September 5, 2008

Cycle #2 of Chemotherapy

Treatment started off on a positive note with report of the CEA tumor marker dropping after cycle #1 from 304 to 180! Normal is below 3 so we have a way to go ...but we are going in the right direction! Tumor markers are one indication of how things are going. This has been our first real sign of good news in these past 4 months. We had treatment Sept 2/3 and will return Sept 9/10 for the second round of cycle #2. . We will have a rest Sept 11-22and will head to Wyoming to attend a football game see Natalie and Brian and have a long over due visit with Dennis's sister Becky,her husband Clyde and Dennis's mom. We hoping for some cool weather and a break from all these tropical storms and hurricanes!
We will have a scan early October-around the 10th after cycle #3 is completed and that will give more precise information on how the treatment is working and what adjustments need to be made. Dennis is tolerating the therapy well and maintaining his weight around 180.
Thank you for your many notes of encouragement and prayers.
Dennis says ;
We just got back from run out to Wyo
Both Nat and Brian checked into dorm
at UWyo. Worked a few days at SML
and then Back to Fla after watching
UWyo beat Ohio Bobcats 21 to 20.
Monday was get reorganized around
Boca Raton to include replacing
stolen license plate from the Jeep.
This Chemo Session
went well, although we had a 0830
appointment and saw the Dr. at 1100.
Seems they were very busy. Chemo
drugs got started and Tue/Wed
2-3Sept I got refilled with my dose
of Chemo. Out of the room about
7 pm and home by 8 pm. That
was a good day. The Chemo effects hit
last night and today (Fri 5th)
I've had the blah's all day.
Which is typical timing for
Chemo body reactions.

I go back for another dose
on Tue/Wed, 9 & 10 Sept.
Then I'm off 11 Sept to 22 Sept.
and We'll go out to Laramie
to See football game and Becky
)sister)is bringing mom up from
Colorado for a visit. So it
will be Clyde and I on visit
to SML on monday 15 Sept
and Tue 16 Sept we will go
to the range for a shoot.
w/M16/M14. RTB is to be
18 Sept Thursday.

Chemo after effects.
This set of chemo I'm
undergoing are not
as painful as the first
set. Still gets your
attention. I took
some pain medication to
get thru last night. Also
my hair is thinning out.
I used to get a hair cut
every 2 weeks for fast growing
and thick hair. I haven't had
a hair cut in 2 months and hair
is defiantly thinning out.
Oh well, anything to defeat
this cancer. Thanks to all
for the prayers, they're


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Miami Treatment #2

We drove through the tropical storm to arrive in Miami by 0700 Tuesday morning. We called prior to leaving the house as the hospital did advise that they might close due to the weather. Luckliy they continued to operate and we sped through the registration process as I believe many people did cancel their appointments. Treatment finished at 3:00 PM today-Wednesday and we were back home by 4:00PM. Dennis seems to be tolerating this therapy well and hasn't had many symptons that they said he could. We have an "off" week and will be leaving tomorrow to take Brian out to the University of Wyoming to begin his freshmen year. We are very happy that he has such a great opportunity ahead and will be joining his sister Natalie.
Our next treatment will be September 2-3.
We are very much looking forward to this much needed break from doctors,hospitals,testing etc..
Thank you for your continued prayers and support!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Change of Course

During our last visit with Dr. Grabelsky in Boca on 29July he moved up the CT scan to August 4 from 25August -3 weeks- to check progress due to the pain Dennis was experiencing. Dennis completed his 5th Chemo session on our current regiment on 31July. We scheduled an appointment in Miami for August 7th to review the results of the scan and our progress so far.
The scan showed the situation to be "stable" no progression of the disease but no improvement after 2 months of this Chemotherapy. Dr. Ardalan in Miami strongly suggested changing course of treatment with a different regiment of Chemotherapy. Dr. Grabelsky felt we should continue with our current regiment for the full course of 6 months.
We have taken a "leap of faith" and have decided to switch to the University of Miami Sylvester Cancer Center for futher treatments with Dr. Ardalan and begin a more aggressive regiment .
Treatment in Miami is for 2 days Tuesday/Wednesday and does require an overnight stay. We will have 2 weeks therapy and then 1 week off for recovery. We started 12August and will reevaluate in 2 months with another CT scan.
Natalie will be leaving tomorrow for Wyoming . She has "band camp" for 1 week prior to class for color guard. Brian will be heading out August 21 to Wyoming and we will take our "off week" time and go to Wyoming as well to get him settled in as an incoming freshman!
Thank you for your continued prayers.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

This being the 5th Chemo poison
episode in the 12 pac procedure.
And as always the symptoms are
different from the previous 4
sessions. I went into the NBC
facility for hook up last Tue
Wed and Thursday. Go for the same
dose of Anthrax or what ever.
Smoothing sailing, or OK for
somebody on chemo. I (?)
expected for my physically off
days to be Friday & Saturday +
maybe Sunday. Wrong, I had'
a great day Fri and Sat. Sunday
it started and Monday Tuesday
were pretty low as well.
I'm trying to throw off the
Chemo effect and get back to 100%
this wed 8/6. I still have
the sores on my tongue which
makes it difficult to eat any
thing. Oh well, no one said
it was easy. And I have two
choices, follow the program
or go get the pine box.
Check Six.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Chemo session #5 Report

Each week seems to get easier now that we are familiar with the "ropes".
Blood work stayed all in normal range again and Dennis has gained 2lb these past 2 weeks. He's back at 180 and hopes to get to 185 and hold. He is experiencing stabbing pain in his liver and Dr Grabelsky has decided to move up the mid point scan to next week from later in the month to explore what is causing this. Dennis takes percocet to relieve the pain and it does work well for him. If we can get the scan done early next week we'll try to get to Miami to see Dr Ardalan for his opinion. Dennis is hooked up to the chemo pump until Thursday afternoon and it will be removed at that time.
Natalie returns today after a 2 month study abroad in Spain and we are looking forward to having all her energy surround us and hear more about her adventures.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dennis writes; With session #4 in progress; I’m hooked up to the Chemo pump today Wednesday and tomorrow Thursday, I am 1/3 the way through the 12 session program and the Doctor, yesterday, was very up on the progress I have made. The swelling of the liver has gone, and with the Dr.’s examination by hand of the liver, I had no pain. I have 8 # sessions more to go, finishing around November. At the half way point they’ll run a cat scan for the look see on how the liver and associated cancer looks. I spent 6+ hours yesterday, Tuesday at the clinic, after I saw the doctor. My usual nurse, ‘Chemical Kathy’ was not on duty so I had ‘Anthrax Anna’ Hooking up the toxins to my chest porthole. This session I have had the usual side effects come barreling back. Hyper sensitivity to cold (anything) (how do you do this program February up North?). Canker sores on the tongue. And the all pervading malaise of lethargy to the 9th degree. While on the anthrax pump, Tue-Wed-Thur it isn’t too disabling, but Fri- Sat- Sun the days after the pump is gone are no picnic. Anyway, It seems we have the cancer on the run, All we have to do is corner the cancer and finish it off and I expect sessions 5 thru 12 to do Exactly that. MK keeps the program goals in focus, even the Doctor mentioned the good work she does to help run down the cancer. Denny.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Chemotherapy #4

Today we felt very encouraged with the Dr visit. Blood work continues to be in the "normal" range and Dennis has seen a 5lb weight gain this past month! Dr. Grabelsky complemented me on my "good" work in that department. Check of the liver size seem to indicate that the treatment is effective and we will do a scan on August 25 to measure how well things really are at midpoint. Chemotherapy lasted from 1130 to 1700 and we are home now with the Chemo pump for the next 46 hr.
We got a new bottle of "magic" mouthwash from the pharmacy formulated slightly different and it should give the mouth sores some relief this cycle.

Thanks for your prayers and support <3

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Chemotherapy #3

We met with Dr Grabelsky at 1030 yesterday prior to our chemo session. Blood work all came back in the normal range! It's a relief to see a positive sign. Dr said it seems the chemo is working. We will have a scan done after treatment #6 to measure progress(25August). I was pushing for earlier but Dr Grabelsky feels it would be too early. I will run this by the Dr Ardalan in Miami and see what he thinks. Dennis seems to tolerate the chemo-no hair loss,nausea just fatigue. He had gained 3 lbs so if you come to visit be prepared to do the same! I have learned so much from my sister Jean who is a Registered Dietician in Pennsylvania and we are getting results with her guidance!!

We spoke about our desire to take Natalie and Brian to Wyoming in August to college and Dr. Grabelsky said it should be a possibility. I purchased tickets for 16August-24August. It will be a welcomed break from the treatments.Snowy Mountain here we come!

Our old neighbor and friends Marcia and Randy Springfield are visiting this week from Raleigh,NC and it has been fun looking at old photos and video of our families.

4th of July is almost here and we are planning a cookout with family and friends. I'm sure Dennis will be purchasing fireworks for our at home display!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Miami visit

Yesterday was an early start for our appointment in Miami. We left home around 0630 and arrived at the University of Miami Sylvester Cancer Center ast 0800. It is a first rate facility and every step was well orchestrated. After completing all the necessary paper work(10 pages to be exact) we stopped in the cafeteria since we had time before our 1000 appointment. Dr. Ardalan was thorough and knowledgable about our case since we had provided all reports in advance. His recommendation was to continue with this course of Chemotherapy and to insist on a reevaluation after 2 months to see how we are progressing. He was willing to take us as a client but said at this time he would be doing the same treatment and it would be silly to travel to Miami for the same thing. He asked that we send the follow up reports to him to keep the case current. If in 2 months we aren't seeing results or aren't happy with our current Dr we can/should make the switch. I plan to go back to Miami and see him at the 2 month mark as I believe he is our best ally.
Dennis looks much better. His appetite has returned and he has gained 3lbs. We are working towards continuing this progress by adding walking and high calorie meals/snacks to build back up before our next treatment on 01 July.
All of your calls,visits,emails,letters and prayers lift our spirits and make a difference!
We are truely blessed! Thank you
Mary Kay

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Session II AAR

MK and I were at the treatment center
early tuesday for chemo session 2 and
to meet with the Physician assistant to review
how the first session (1) went. After the
the meeting (session 1 went very well) we
went into the treatment center and spent
6 hours in the chair hooked up to this that
and everything else. At the end, they
hooked up the fanny pack chemo pump
which run continiously untill the load is
dumped into my blood port. The load
should be complete by tomorrow
June 19, thursday.

I'll feel crummy while the pump is
working and maybe a day or two
after the pump is taken off. Then;
If it works like the last time;
I'll feel much better each day for
the next week, When I'll start session
No. III on Tuesday July 1st.

I'm quite postive about the whole
deal, the Chemo Toxic brew seem
to be working well, as the pain
is greatly reduce and I seem
to be responding well to the treatment.

Well, two down and ten to go !
any Q? drop me a email and
I'll get back to you.
denny West

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Getting ready for round #2

We survived and thrived after the first Chemo treatment. Dennis no longer needs pain medication! His appetite is returning as well. He states that he feels bettter than he has in 2 months. We are concentrating on rebuilding his weight back up after a drop of nearly 25lbs. We had a follow up visit last week with his Neurologist and all is in order after adjusting his medications.
Dennis is taking rests as needed but still pushing himself to "be all he can be".
Tuesday June 17 will have us back for Chemo treatment #2. We have been advised that this session will be 5hrs so after a Dr. visit at 0930 we will begin. This is a 6month program of treatment.
At least we know somewhat what to expect this next time.

Again many thanks for the many cards,letters and visits!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

the latest

We have enjoyed 2 "good" days. Our next Chemo Therapy is scheduled for 17 June so we are
taking this time to build up reserves and get ready for the next wave. Our next Chemo will be 17-19June.
I have scheduled an appointment in Miami at the University of Miami Sylvester Cancer Center with Dr. Bach Ardalan who comes well recommended for 24 June. I have spent my time collecting information and records to make this appointment invaluable. He is top in the field of colon-rectal cancer so I am anxious to hear what he has to say regarding this case.

Dennis enjoyed a visit from his sister Nina and her husband Hasmukh from Tampa and all your cards,letters and emails.. it's amazing!

Much love to all and thankyou for your support!
Please pray for us!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Update Thursday 5 June 0825EDT

Dennis Writes;
Well, I'm sure glad I started this cancer program. I got immediate relief
from the pain by the end of the day, monday while hooked up at the
cancer center from the stuff they were pouring in.
I felt better than I had in 3 months. Wow. Then at the
end of the day they hooked me to a fanny Pack pump
to run 48 hrs putting in 2 ML of the toxic chemo stuff. This stuff is
tough stuff, by noon the next day I knew why it is put in slowly:
the stuff knocks you for a loop.
Today Thursday I feel better but yesterday was a tough day.
This afternoon I go in to have the pump taken off as the
chemo stuff will have all been dumped in. The chemo pump
kit comes with a Haz-matt package. Rubber gloves, mask,
clean up towels in case of a rupture of the feed line.
Reminds me of the Old SAC B-52 tee shirt; "Nuc' em to they glow
and then shoot 'em in the dark." But I'm astounded at how
quick acting the stew of stuff injected has knocked
the cancer back with just one fill. I am scheduled for 1 week on
and 1 week off, for 6 months. A small price to pay to knock cancer off.

I would like to thank all of you who sent cards and phone calls and or stopped by.
It has kept me on a even keel.
I would especially like to thank my wife MK
who has been a rock for me in this trial.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

First day of Treatment

It was a long and informative day at the Center for Hematology Oncology Center. We arrived at the center at 0830 for our 0900 appointment and promply were taken back to begin.
Our treatment name is "FOLFOX" and it is a 6month treatment plan. We have chemo every-other Tuesday and are sent home with an infusion pump to continue the therapy until Thursday- 46 hours later- when we return and have the pump removed from the port. Dennis keeps the pump in a "fanny pack" that he wears around his waist. For our medically apt friends the Chemo drugs are-Oxaliplatin,5FU and Levcovorin. The staff is incredible! They explain everything so well ... and repeat them for me when I don't quite get it.
We were at the center until 1600 doing treatment. I ran out at 1030 to get a prescription filled and to bring back lunch. I wasn't prepared for an extended treatment day. Now I know!
Dennis is very happy to be starting treatment and spirits seems alot better! Side effects may appear tomorrow. We have nausea medicine ready just in case.

Email Dennis/Denny at or any other address you might have... I think he uses 3 email address.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Treatment Begins

Dennis will start treatment tomorrow at 0900. We haven't been given exact details of what will be involved but I anticipate a "briefing" by the Dr. prior to the Chemotherapy beginning.
The Dr. has an excellent website which provides alot of great information.

Dennis had a good weekend relaxing after Friday's surgery but he is anxious to get things going.
He's been a great patient which is hard I guess for someone who has always been the one
"in charge". He's taking orders rather well.

Thanks for all your words of encouragement. It means alot!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Dennis Status

We received the final report on Tuesday 27 May that Dennis has colon-rectal cancer that has metastasized to his liver. His PET scan shows there is only cancer in his liver which is a good thing. We are beginning aggressive treatments to address this.

Today we were able to successfully place a port-a-cath into Dennis's upper chest wall at the Delray Community Hopital.The port is about the size of a quarter, only thicker, and will show only as a bump underneath the skin. There are several benefits to having a port:
No need to find a vein every time you receive chemo. A special needle fits right into the port, so all you feel is the stick—not the poking, prodding, and false tries in your arm.
The medication goes right into the main blood supply entering the heart, so it can be sent quickly and efficiently to all parts of the body.
Some types of chemotherapy can be very uncomfortable if injected into a vein just under your skin. The port avoids this potential discomfort.
Getting blood for blood tests can usually be done through the port, decreasing the number of times you need to have a vein "stuck."

We are waiting to hear from the Oncologist as to when we will begin the Chemotherapy.

Many thanks to everyone for all your prayers. It means alot at this time.

If anyone can pull this off we KNOW Dennis can.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Photos from Palos Park

This is the blog I'll be using to post up updates about the West Family. Here are the photos from the Palos Park trip for everyone to enjoy: