Friday, September 12, 2008

Back again for Chemo resupply this
past Tue/Wed. Effects are cumulative
and boy do I feel lousy, today, Friday
and yesterday was no walk in the park.
My friend Bill Lamson is taking us to
FLL airport for run out to Laramie today
noon. New twist, I think I'm going
to lose all my hair. It is falling out
in clumps and has gotten so thin since
this Chemo stuff started. Oh well,
as long as the cancer cells die, any
thing is possible. This is a short
run to Wyo, only 5 days on the
ground. We'll attend the football
game Sat, Work at SML one day
and go shooting at the Laramie
range with Clyde and maybe some
army cadets. Then pack out to
palm beach for another session
of Chemo.
Dennis - MoreLater;

Friday, September 5, 2008

Cycle #2 of Chemotherapy

Treatment started off on a positive note with report of the CEA tumor marker dropping after cycle #1 from 304 to 180! Normal is below 3 so we have a way to go ...but we are going in the right direction! Tumor markers are one indication of how things are going. This has been our first real sign of good news in these past 4 months. We had treatment Sept 2/3 and will return Sept 9/10 for the second round of cycle #2. . We will have a rest Sept 11-22and will head to Wyoming to attend a football game see Natalie and Brian and have a long over due visit with Dennis's sister Becky,her husband Clyde and Dennis's mom. We hoping for some cool weather and a break from all these tropical storms and hurricanes!
We will have a scan early October-around the 10th after cycle #3 is completed and that will give more precise information on how the treatment is working and what adjustments need to be made. Dennis is tolerating the therapy well and maintaining his weight around 180.
Thank you for your many notes of encouragement and prayers.
Dennis says ;
We just got back from run out to Wyo
Both Nat and Brian checked into dorm
at UWyo. Worked a few days at SML
and then Back to Fla after watching
UWyo beat Ohio Bobcats 21 to 20.
Monday was get reorganized around
Boca Raton to include replacing
stolen license plate from the Jeep.
This Chemo Session
went well, although we had a 0830
appointment and saw the Dr. at 1100.
Seems they were very busy. Chemo
drugs got started and Tue/Wed
2-3Sept I got refilled with my dose
of Chemo. Out of the room about
7 pm and home by 8 pm. That
was a good day. The Chemo effects hit
last night and today (Fri 5th)
I've had the blah's all day.
Which is typical timing for
Chemo body reactions.

I go back for another dose
on Tue/Wed, 9 & 10 Sept.
Then I'm off 11 Sept to 22 Sept.
and We'll go out to Laramie
to See football game and Becky
)sister)is bringing mom up from
Colorado for a visit. So it
will be Clyde and I on visit
to SML on monday 15 Sept
and Tue 16 Sept we will go
to the range for a shoot.
w/M16/M14. RTB is to be
18 Sept Thursday.

Chemo after effects.
This set of chemo I'm
undergoing are not
as painful as the first
set. Still gets your
attention. I took
some pain medication to
get thru last night. Also
my hair is thinning out.
I used to get a hair cut
every 2 weeks for fast growing
and thick hair. I haven't had
a hair cut in 2 months and hair
is defiantly thinning out.
Oh well, anything to defeat
this cancer. Thanks to all
for the prayers, they're
