Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Preliminary Procedures Completed

We arrived at Jackson North Hospital at 0600 for Dennis's 0800 procedure.
After bloodwork and a physical exam Dennis went to the Angiogram suite for his procedures. I had an opportunity to see the room and the equipment was quite impressive. I can see why it's a $125,000 procedure. The procedures today took 3 hours to complete and then Dennis needed 3 more hours of observation before we were released to go home. Everything looked promising so we will return Thursday at 0600.
Bloodwork showed Dennis's CEA at 290 which is an increase but not as much as we anticipated since he has been off chemotherapy for 3 weeks.
Dennis is "taking it easy" for the next 24 hours in preparation for Thursday's SIRT procedure.

-In loneliness, in sickness, in confusion---
the mere knowledge of friendship makes it
possible to endure, even if the friend is
powerless to help.
It is enough that they exist.
-Pam Brown

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