Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dennis writes; With session #4 in progress; I’m hooked up to the Chemo pump today Wednesday and tomorrow Thursday, I am 1/3 the way through the 12 session program and the Doctor, yesterday, was very up on the progress I have made. The swelling of the liver has gone, and with the Dr.’s examination by hand of the liver, I had no pain. I have 8 # sessions more to go, finishing around November. At the half way point they’ll run a cat scan for the look see on how the liver and associated cancer looks. I spent 6+ hours yesterday, Tuesday at the clinic, after I saw the doctor. My usual nurse, ‘Chemical Kathy’ was not on duty so I had ‘Anthrax Anna’ Hooking up the toxins to my chest porthole. This session I have had the usual side effects come barreling back. Hyper sensitivity to cold (anything) (how do you do this program February up North?). Canker sores on the tongue. And the all pervading malaise of lethargy to the 9th degree. While on the anthrax pump, Tue-Wed-Thur it isn’t too disabling, but Fri- Sat- Sun the days after the pump is gone are no picnic. Anyway, It seems we have the cancer on the run, All we have to do is corner the cancer and finish it off and I expect sessions 5 thru 12 to do Exactly that. MK keeps the program goals in focus, even the Doctor mentioned the good work she does to help run down the cancer. Denny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dennis and Mary Kay, My brother-in-law in MN went through the same chemo regiment as you are going through. He talked about the hypersensitivity to cold and also the canker sores. You continue to be in my prayers and Dennis, I love your nurses names!!
Genie Butrym