Monday, June 2, 2008

Treatment Begins

Dennis will start treatment tomorrow at 0900. We haven't been given exact details of what will be involved but I anticipate a "briefing" by the Dr. prior to the Chemotherapy beginning.
The Dr. has an excellent website which provides alot of great information.

Dennis had a good weekend relaxing after Friday's surgery but he is anxious to get things going.
He's been a great patient which is hard I guess for someone who has always been the one
"in charge". He's taking orders rather well.

Thanks for all your words of encouragement. It means alot!

1 comment:

Natalie D. West said...

I´m really glad to hear dad´s starting treatment- I´m going to check out the website after this post and such.

Dad´s the man, if he can´t do it, nobody can! RA RA RA!

Or even better

(Semper Fi!)

amo, natalia